Friday, 4 November 2011

Kim Jong Min’s Last Kiss was Yesterday 21 OCTOBER 2011

Kim Jong Min announced that his last kiss was yesterday.
On QTV ‘The Women that Decides the Ranks Season 4’, Kim Jong Min shocked many when he revealed that his last kiss was yesterday.
On this broadcast, Koyote’s Bbaekka and Kim Jongmin were the special guests. MC Lee Hwi Jae was curious about a few things, so he asked Kim Jong Min and Kim Sae Rom when their last kisses were.
Kim Jong Min was reluctant to answer, but he ended up saying, “Yesterday” making everyone alert. The main cast began to attack him with a series of questions. They asked, “Who is this girl you kissed yesterday?” and “Have you gone on a 2 days, 1 night trip with her?”
This made Kim Jong Min say that he didn’t say ‘yesterday’. Because of Kim Jongmin’s pronunciation, he actually had said ‘when was it’ but others had heard it as ‘yesterday’. Then, he went on saying. “I don’t go travel with women.”

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