Thursday, 19 April 2012

Kim Jong Min Flicked on Forehead by Other Members on 'Two Days and One Night'

The cast members of "Two Days and One Night" asked Kim Jong Min, "Can we give you a clout in return for not taking pictures?"
On the episode of the KBS variety program "Happy Sunday - Two Days and One Night," which aired on April 15, the cast members, who chased Kim Jong Min, ended up punishing him for his impudent manners, which added a humorous element to the show.

On last week's episode, the members including Lee Soo Geun tried to cheat Kim Jong Min, but they were instead tricked by Kim and faced an embarrassing moment in the rain after having their mobiles phones taken from them by Kim. On this week's episode, the members, who were still upset at Kim Jong Min, chased him for revenge. Two cars chased Kim's car, and Kim Jong Min stopped his car and tried to negotiate with the other members. Kim asked the members to put their hands up and stand away from him and not to take any photos. The members, who did as he asked, were upset by his impudent manners that he had shown up to now, and Sung Si Kyung first asked whether he could strike him once in return for them not taking any photos. Cha Tae Hyun revealed his anger and held Kim Jong Min while saying, "Let me first give you a clout with my knuckles."

Beginning with Cha Tae Hyun, the other angry members wanted to flick him on his forehead with their fingers for punishment. The members, who had to stand in the rain in freezing below-zero temperatures, surrounded Kim and asked him to accept their punishment. Kim Jong Min finally accepted their suggestion, but he said with a sad voice, "But I won the game." The other members gave him clouts one by one, which provoked a huge laugh. After that, Kim Jong Min returned the members' mobile phones and earned twenty more minutes for implementing the mission. All the cast members started to chase each other again as part of the competition while completing their missions.

Writer: Contributing Reporter Ji Eun Young
Copyright ⓒ KBS & KBS Media - Any illicit reproduction and distribution is prohibited.

KBS Global 

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