Thursday, 10 May 2012

Haha Tells the World Kim Jong Min is Dating?

Hope it's true even his agency denies kjm now in relationship...

Did Haha reveal that Kim Jong Min has been secretly dating?

On May 11, Haha had tweeted,“Kim Jong Min’s new song Pit-a-Pat is so good. Jong Min! Is your heart beating fast because of that girl you’re dating? She’s doing great, right? You’re an event master! You’re the Choi Soo Jong of the singing world! Please love each other beautifully ^^ And teach me some stuff! Beautiful song! So good!”

This lead many to believe that Kim Jong Min was indeed dating, but his agency, PK Media, told enews on May 11, “We talked directly to Kim Jong Min and he said it’s been awhile since he had a girlfriend. Haha’s tweet was just a surprise event to help promote Kim Jong Min’s new album.”

They added, “It was just a misunderstanding of Haha’s overwhelming love in trying to promote Jong Min’s new song. I hope everything gets cleared up now.”

Meanwhile, Kim Jong Min released his second solo single Pit-a-Pat on May 11. With a medium tempo and acoustic sound, it’s a song that makes the heart warm, expressing the nervousness and fast heartbeats when with a loved one. Accompanied by Kim Jong Min’s comfortable vocals and Gilme’s rhythmic rap, the song has taken one step closer to perfection.

Photo Credit: PK Media, Haha’s Twitter

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