Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Kim Jong Min on the Difference Between Kang Ho Dong and Kim Seung Woo

Kim Jong Min gave his take on how Kang Ho Dong, the head of the first season of 1 Night, 2 Days, and Kim Seung Woo, head of the second season of the show, are different.

The singer talked on the October 16 broadcast of KBS2′s Win Win.
When asked which he felt more comfortable around, Kang Ho Dong or Kim Seung Woo, Kim Jong Min smiled shyly and said, "The question is a bit too much." He showed he was treading carefully due to Kang Ho Dong, since "he has to work when he comes out."

He soon answered, "Before my release from my military duties, Kang Ho Dong was like my friend. Later, though, I came to look up to him. A wall suddenly popped up between us, and he became like my teacher."

About Kim Seung Woo, he said, "He′s almost like a friend."

Lee Su Geun asked whether Kim Seung Woo could become like a teacher, and Kim Jong Min joked, "No chance."

Kim Jong Min continued to praise Kim Seung Woo′s leadership on 1 Night, 2 Days, saying, "He gathers everyone in get-togethers after shoots so that we can talk about the shoot, and he sets up chat rooms in phone messengers."

Photo credit: KBS2


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