Thursday, 8 August 2013

Kim Jong Min's strange pitch led Koyote's album director to become hospitalized?

Koyote's Baekga revealed fellow member Kim Jong Min was unintentionally the source of their album director becoming hospitalized.

During the filming for KBS 2TV's 'Happy Together 3', Baekga shared, "Kim Jong Min can make unique sounds that cannot even be classified in an octave... It took 3 hours for Kim Jong Min to get the pitch down for the word 'Lovable~' ."

Baekga continued, "Because of this, I started suffering auditory hallucinations. At least we were able to leave the studio, but the album director had to keep arranging the album so he couldn't leave and stayed there the whole time. In the end, that director's intestines got messed up because of stress and went to the emergency room."

Kim Jong Min tried to defend himself as he said, "To be honest, I don't know where that sound came from. I thought I was singing it the way I was supposed to...", bringing laughs.


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