Thursday, 16 July 2015

KIM JONG MIN SIDE : Not received offer for new show PD Na -- impossible for jongmin

news abt jongmin here
even i want see jongmin join or come as guest this show
HOT TOPIC where PD NA with cast 1n2d s1 reunion for new show TvN

PD NA maybe will reunion with hodong-suguen -seunggi -jiwon for new show tvn in the fall
kang hodong side say  yes Hodong have discuss with PD NA


  1. Ughhh.. I really hope they will at least offer it to kjm though he might have to refuse it in the end becoz of 1n2d. I hate to hear that they didn't even consider him as part of the cast.

    1. yes... even some hard fan 1n2d s1 alwys not include jongmin name as member s1.. they only missed 6 member (jm comeback made 2 -3 member have problem need leave this show) .. Golden time for this show 6 MEMBER ... that why i can say kjm better with more airtime time on s2 & s3 ...

  2. Ughhh.. I really hope they will at least offer it to kjm though he might have to refuse it in the end becoz of 1n2d. I hate to hear that they didn't even consider him as part of the cast.
