on this epi he called jaesuk ,young hoon[composer], Yang Dongguen,Swing etc to hear his solo song and get reaction from them ...
jongmin is someone will not call another celebrity for talk without camera/tvshow. he uncomfortable speak with them to reduce making mistake with his action .
Din din call Kim Jongmin for the first time. we haven't been on the phone except for filming show." Although Din din showed a playful appearance with anyone on the broadcast, he confessed that it was awkward to be alone with Kim Jongmin.
After the entertainment awards, he called all the members expect jongmin" It was because Kim Jongmin usually does not make personal contact with the member Dindin said honestly, "This situation is also uncomfortable. It's awkward."
kjm usually thinks about members of '1 night 2 days', but he does can't call member because he fears it will be awkward. He also said he couldn't prepare his own words and had a lot of thoughts about what to say, so he wouldn't be able to contact everyone.
Hope you all understand with jongmin .. he can't speak like another person [on tv every time he speak they will put subtitles ] ,he carefully every his actions to not hurt another celebrity. He will not called another celebrity without reason .

only for tvshow
.. already many celebrity making statement jongmin will not call them ..

Upgrade human e03
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